This verses advise believers to seek help with fortitude and prayers in times of adversity since Allah (swt) is with those who show fortitude.
The word of “sabr” has been translated to patience, perseverance, steadfastness and fortitude. It has been used about 70 times in the Holy Qur'an and it holds the connotation of patiently persisting in doing the right thing under adverse circumstances without getting aggravated and annoyed. Hence, scholars of ethics have tried to give examples of sabr.
One such example is:
Sabr in the obedience of Allah. That is, to bear the difficulty of performing what we are commanded to do.
Sabr in guarding oneself against committing sin despite its charm and worldly appeal.
Sabr in times of adversity, meaning to show strength of mind, character, resilience and to bear the bitterness of troubles and misfortunes with grace.
Sabr in a time of loss of a loved one, meaning to mourn and grief without complaint or having thoughts that might displease Allah (swt).
It is natural for human beings to grieve and lament for the loss of a loved one. This is a sign of compassion, but it is important not to lose control of oneself by uttering words, engaging in actions, or having thoughts that may displease Allah (swt).
The Prophet (saww) wept at the time of the death of His Son ( Ibrahim (as)). He said [see commentary of verse 2:45 for Ref.]:
“Our eyes shed tears and our hearts are filled with grief, but we do not say anything except that by which Allah is pleased. Oh Ibrahim, We are sorrowful due to Your separation.”
The character of “sabr” which is defined as patiently persisting in doing the right thing in time of adversity embodies the true spirit of faith. Imam Ali (as) likens the relation of “sabr” to faith as that of the relationship between a head and a body. A human body without a head is not alive. Similarly, faith without patience is a hollow faith.
Reference: Tafseer-e-Namoona, Vol. 1, P.519:
In times of adversity, one needs to be steadfast and resolute in putting their utmost trust in Allah (swt) and invoke Him in times of difficulties and hardship. Allah (swt) taught us in the Holy Qur'an that He listens to a distressed soul when it calls on Him, and He relieves its suffering.
Reference: An-Naml 27:62.
When Imam Ali (as) faced a problem, He offered prayer, after which He recited the verse Qur'an 2:153.
Reference: Tafseer-e-Namoona, Vol. 1, P.520.