_Abdullahi Isah Wasagu_
- Imam Jafar As-Sadiq(AS); his companion and a Christian who newly converted to Islam.
Two neighbors, a Muslim and a Christian, were on friendly terms. Having concern for one another they used to enquire after each other's health, and exchanged views from time to time. The Muslim who is a disciple of Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (AS) being a devout and religious man spoke high of his religion and the result was that the Christian friend embraced Islam.
The night passed and it was nearing dawn. The Christian, a new convert, heard somebody ramming his door. Surprised and restless he shouted:
"Who is it?"
From the back came a loud voice, "I am so and so", introducing himself. He was the Muslim neighbor who had the honor of converting him to Islam.
"What do you want at this late hour?"
"Be quick, put on your clothes and perform ablution, so that we should go to the Mosque together".
The new Muslim performed ablution for the first time in his life and set out to Mosque behind his Muslim friend. They had arrived before time. It was the time for the recommended not obligatory prayer after mid-night. They prayed till dawn.
The time came for the morning Prayer (Subh). They prayed the morning prayer and were engaged in benedictions and invocations till it became perfectly clear. When the new Muslim made a move towards the door, his friend, Muslim neighbor and a companion of Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (AS) interrupted:
"Where are you going?"
"I am going home. Since I have finished my morning prayer, there is nothing else to do now."
"Wait a while and recite the benedictions till the sun rises."
"Very well", said the new Muslim."
New Muslim sat and recited the same till the sun rose. When he rose up to go, his friend, Muslim neighbor placed the Holy Qur'an in his hand saying, "Read it till the sun rises a little high. And I advise you to fast today. Don't you know how much virtues and rewards there are in fasting?"
The new Muslim did as he was told, and sat reciting the Holy Qur'an till it was nearing noon. The Muslim neighbor said:
"Now it is almost noon; better we perform the noon prayer in the Mosque." So, the noon prayer (Zuhr)was prayed. Then Muslim neighbor said again: "After just a short time, the after-noon prayer (Asr) will be prayed. We should perform that also at the proper time". The after-noon prayer (Asr) was also performed. Then Muslim neighbor said, "It is almost evening now" and detained the new convert till it was time for evening prayer (Maghrib).
When new convert rose up to break his fast, the Muslim neighbor said, and "there is one more prayer remaining." It is named "Eshai Prayer" or the sleeping-time prayer." So they waited nearly one hour for the proper time of this prayer. After that the new Muslim got up and went away.
Next day at the same hour of night new convert again heard knockings at the door.
"Who is there?"
"I am so and so.... your Muslim neighbor. Be quick, put on your clothes and perform ablution to go to the Mosque together".
But unfortunately the new convert said, "As soon as I returned from the Mosque last night, I resigned from your religion. Please go away and find some other idle man who has nothing to do in this world, so that he may be able to spend his whole time in the Mosque. I am a poor man having wife and children to feed. I should better go after my work to earn my livelihood."
Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (AS) relating the story to his friends and companions, said:
"In this manner a devoted man after converting a new Muslim, had himself kicked him out of Islam. You must bear this fact in mind and should not trouble the people unnecessarily. You should judge their strength and capacity and act accordingly, so that they develop affinity for the religion and do not run away from it. Don't you know that the policy of Ummayyads is based on violence, oppression and intimidation whereas our ways and methods are based on leniency, brotherhood and persuasion."
Though the rules of the Sharia (Islamic Law) are called hardship, in reality they are well below our strength and ability.
Almighty Allah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an, "On soul does Allah place a burden but less than its capacity."