During his reign, he reached a great achievements as we cam mention below.
(1)- He prefered his relatives to hold political offices than any other persons.
(2)- He sacked the governor of Basra and appointed his cousin, and sacked the governor of Egypt and appointed one of his close relation.
(3)- He lets his kinsmen to acquired persinal properties at the expense of public property and crown lands.
The good example of this is, Hakam the Marwan's father acquired estates at Fadak, while Mu'awiyyah have appropriated the crown lands in Syria. Usman himself was extravangacy and helping his relations with the money from public treasury instead of using his personal earns.
(4)- The Ansar of Madinah lost their positions and influence in the state administration due to Umayyad influence.
(5)- Hashimwdes (Banu Hashim)felt eclipsed by the ruling aristocracy of the Umayyads anf have therefore lost their position.
(6)- He appointed Marwan Bn Hakam as the chief scribe of the irritated some people. He used his rigt on concentrated attention towards consolidating the position of the Umayyads.
These great achievment caused the assassination of Usman and gave rise to thw division in the muslim unity that later resulted into hostilities and later on to civil war among the muslims during the reign of the pious Khalif Aliyu Bn Abi 'Dalib (A.S).
With our Bauchi agents.
Contributed by Ado Isah Guda.
~18th April, 2020.
Taskar ilimi
Throughout the article, it looks like Uthman (RA) is being blamed for several decisions and actions and suddenly, at the end, all of these are referred to as "great achievements"! Confusing!