@Ma'asumah Nigerian News Update@
@bbakar Labbo.
Human African trypanosomiasis (Hat) is a zoonosis Coused by protozoa(TRYPANOSOME), transmitted to human through the bite of tsetse fly (glossina). Transmitted by contaminated blood transfusion and placental transmission are the possible Coused of sleeping sickness.
-Individual protection against tsetsefly.
-disease control, mass screening and protection of patients (tb gambience) trypanocide in cattle vector control using tsetsefly flytrap or insecticides.
-pentamidine isetiinate deep I'm intra mascularly, children and adults 4mg/kg once daily for 7 days.
-patients should receive a source of glucose (meal, sweat& tea)
-suramin slow Iv intravein.
@maasuma nig news update
Cuta da Magani