Sayyeed Ibrahim Zakzaky The Perfect Leades.
By Abbakar Ibraheem Kudan
here is our pattern. All the ennobling, perfect, and beautiful qualities of maturity, of strength, and of courage are found in this one person, this sincere and distinguished leader.
Perhaps the most important thing I can say about Shaikh Zakzaky, is more important than all else I have said, and that is what he lives and breathes in the heart of the people. He really embodies all those virtues and attributes the Qur'an tells us about,
perfect people that strive hard on the course of Allah. If we can come to know that, we can then know the central reality about man and the universe. If we do not accept that truth and that reality, then we will not have the fixed principles or the transcendent thruths by which to live out our lives in happiness and in service,
resulting in regret and destruction. In other words, we will find it very difficult to be significant Muslims and human beings, unless we recognize the reality of the perfect leadership of the Ahlul-Bayt, and let them be the light by which we see the righteous path of the virtuous.
From the book of; ‘The True Son Of Nigeria’.
Quoted by ‘Ma'asumah Nigeria News Updates':
By Abbakar Ibraheem Kudan
I make no apology for giving something of the accomplishments of Shaikh Zakzaky to those who seek success in religion and the world. If we are to be eminently successful,
here is our pattern. All the ennobling, perfect, and beautiful qualities of maturity, of strength, and of courage are found in this one person, this sincere and distinguished leader.
Perhaps the most important thing I can say about Shaikh Zakzaky, is more important than all else I have said, and that is what he lives and breathes in the heart of the people. He really embodies all those virtues and attributes the Qur'an tells us about,
perfect people that strive hard on the course of Allah. If we can come to know that, we can then know the central reality about man and the universe. If we do not accept that truth and that reality, then we will not have the fixed principles or the transcendent thruths by which to live out our lives in happiness and in service,
resulting in regret and destruction. In other words, we will find it very difficult to be significant Muslims and human beings, unless we recognize the reality of the perfect leadership of the Ahlul-Bayt, and let them be the light by which we see the righteous path of the virtuous.
From the book of; ‘The True Son Of Nigeria’.
Quoted by ‘Ma'asumah Nigeria News Updates':